From Italy With Love

Spring is here and nature is awakening.
For this Club we let ourselves be inspired by flowers, perfumes and flavors.
Follow your Natural Rhythm. Pamper yourself with a warm bath and taste a special herbal tea while taking care of the environment.
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The sweet Tiny Tins

The sweet Tiny Tins you’ll find in this Kora Club, LA TISANA DELL’ALLEGRIA (Teas of Joy) and UN INFUSO CALDO ABBRACCIO (A Warm Hug infusion), are part of the special edition Teas & Words by Neavita.

They are the result of the careful selection of plants, flowers, fruits, fine teas that come from all over the world. Natural raw materials, alive and vital, expertly controlled and prepared in Italy to offer you precious moments.

We are thankful to Luisa, owner of La Tisaneria  for giving us the chance to discover these delights. The two varieties of teas will be included in the Club at random.



Senso Naturale & The Ecological Solid Soap

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“We do our best to reduce the consumption of plastic around the world, one step at a time, creating solid products without parabens, without silicones, without cruelty and vegan. Start your plastic-free journey too!All our products are packaged in food-grade parchment paper and cardboard in certified recycled paper and printed with natural food colors”

We loved immediately the mission of this small artisanal laboratory.

They conscientiously make each of their solid soaps by hand in an unique and unrepeatable way. Each of us can contribute to make this world better and we don’t wont di miss this opportunity.

The varieties of soaps will be included in the Club at random.

FB @SensoNaturale

IG @sensonaturale

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